Sometimes, when I’m meditating, everything goes smoothly—but often, it doesn’t. Often, things go okay up to a certain point, then my presence plateaus. When I notice this happening, I ask myself a magic question: “What’s blocking my presence?” Then, I look to discover the answer—and inevitably, I become aware of an emotional/energetic complex that had been submerged just below the surface of awareness. I may become aware of a pattern of thinking that had previously been unconscious, uncomfortable emotions I had not quite noticed, or feelings of tension, congestion, or constriction, in or around my body.
The point here is not to name or analyze the complex—the point is to notice it, rest your attention on it, and experience it. Feel the feelings, experience the stuck energy, and notice any associated thinking—without getting caught up in it. As you do, the complex will start to dissolve. You are not dissolving it; the healing power of awareness is dissolving it. There is nothing you need to do here, other than rest your attention on the complex and experience it.
How long it takes for the complex to dissolve is not for you to decide. A weak complex may dissolve in a minute or less, while a more intense complex may take a long time to dissolve. Rather than actively fighting or resisting the complex, simply rest your attention on it until you can be at peace with the discomfort of it. (Your resistance of the complex is probably what made it unconscious, in the first place.)
Meanwhile, congratulations! Simply by noticing the complex and resting your attention on it, you have up-leveled your presence. Before, your attention was embedded in the complex, and you were unconscious of it. Like a parasite, the complex drained your energy without your awareness. Now, you are aware of the complex; asking the magic question made the unconscious conscious, turning the tables.